eltonlaw sundries

Some Marlin Bugfixes

I merged some code into Marlin! I'm feeling very cool right now. It was just two small bugfixes though.

Allow disable of currently-required POWER_TIMEOUT (#21771)

AUTO_POWER_CONTROL is an energy-saving feature for automatically turning on and off an extra power supply (in dual supply setups) as needed. In bool Power::is_power_needed() there are checks to see if the extruder, chamber or cooler are above a certain temperature, in which case it'll turn on the PSU and power the fans for that component. Another piece of code that runs is in inline void manage_inactivity(const bool ignore_stepper_queue=false)

TERN_(AUTO_POWER_CONTROL, powerManager.check());

Which is defined as

void Power::check() {
  static millis_t nextPowerCheck = 0;
  millis_t ms = millis();
  if (ELAPSED(ms, nextPowerCheck)) {
    nextPowerCheck = ms + 2500UL;
    if (is_power_needed())
    else if (!lastPowerOn || ELAPSED(ms, lastPowerOn + SEC_TO_MS(POWER_TIMEOUT)))

The problem is POWER_TIMEOUT is assumed to be in the config, if you defined AUTO_POWER_CONTROL without it then you get a compile error, as brought up in this issue

The fix is straightforward, just handle that edge case somehow. I defined it to 0 if undefined and set it to only run the ELAPSED check if greater than 0: https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/pull/21771/files

Fix G5 IJ with Motion Mode (#21858)

G5 is the gcode command for creating cubic B-splines and it has optional parameters I<pos> and J<pos> for setting offsets. The parser logic was ignoring these since there's some error checking at the beginning of void GCodeParser::parse(char *p), making it bail out if there's something unexpected. I and J was only expected to be passed in for G2 and G3 if arc support was enabled.

      case 'I' ... 'J':
        if (motion_mode_codenum != 5 && \
            TERN1(ARC_SUPPORT, motion_mode_codenum != 2 && motion_mode_codenum != 3)) return;

So the fix for this was also straightforward, just set it to allow I and J for G5 as well: https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/pull/21858/commits/16c6e923e016e27d9488dfa254e5c82faaeb94db