eltonlaw sundries


Clojure is a functional, Lisp-style programming language. There are compilers written in Javascript, C# and the JVM.

There are just a few data structures by design. The variety is in all the functions that can operate on these data structures. If you can represent your problem as some combination of the available data structures you suddently get a lot of functionality out of the box from the stuff available by default in clojure.core. It's a pretty good design principle and goes pretty far. For example, metosin/reitit is a routing library that represents routes as nested vectors. In the example below, ring/router gets passed this routes var and even if I don't know how this library works I can start doing some stuff with it by nature of it being a vector and I know I can use map, filter, take, concat, conj and so on to vectors.

(def routes
   ["/math" {:get {:parameters {:query {:x int?, :y int?}}
                   :responses  {200 {:body {:total int?}}}
                   :handler    (fn [{{{:keys [x y]} :query} :parameters}]
                                 {:status 200
                                  :body   {:total (+ x y)}})}}]])

(def app (ring/ring-handler (ring/router routes {})))